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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  January 26, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST

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a lot of video. we are back here 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern bringing you the latest buzz. many hello, i'm eric shawn and welcome to america's news headquarters. >> and welcome to you, everyone, i'm jamie colby. topping the news this hour, we have new details on the deadly mall shooting in maryland. what police are revealing today about the suspect and the next steps in their investigation. >> the winter olympics in socially. now less than two weeks away. coming up, when u.s. authorities are doing to try to keep american athletes and spectators safe. >> and this is the week president obama is preparing to deliver his state of the union. what will he say and is it what the american people want to hear?
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we have a very interesting numbers for new a fair and balanced debate. but first i want to bring you new details on the deadly shooting at a suburban mall until maryland. police today have identified the alleged gunman as 19-year-old darian marcus aguilar. he is accused of killing two mall employees yesterday before turning the gun on himself. we are also learning that aguilar may have wanted to cause even more harm because police have revealed that he was carrying a bagful of homemade explosives. >> when we originally found the shooter, he still had a lot of ammunition on his person. we were concerned he might have had a booby trap there. he did not have any booby traps on him but we did uncover this backpack. once we found one, we have an obligation to make sure there is not more. that's why we took our time to make sure it was searched and it was safe. >> yeah, that entire mall had to be searched because people were hiding everywhere amidst the chaos o. now they are just trying to
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determine what could have been the possible motive in the case. they say it's still unclear whether the gunman knew the two victims. >> and, jamie, there is another case that also involves another 19-year-old. this one in pennsylvania. that's where police are charging a russian teenager with possess ago weapon of mass destruction. authorities now confirming to fox news that this 19-year-old russian national is in custody. police were investigating a marijuana growing operation when they say they found a suspected bomb and bomb-making materials. cops also say this penn state university engineering student admitted that he bottled that stuff. so explosives online just a few weeks ago. but so far they are not saying what possible motive he potentially could have had or what target there could have been. >> to politics now and president obama who is preparing to lay out his legislative agenda tuesday night in his state of the union address. the white house describes
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the speech as, quote: optimistic and full of ideas to help kick start our economy. but some critics are dismissing that, saying it's the administration's own policies that are holding the country back. national correspondent steve centanni joining me now live in washington with a preview. hi, steve. >> hi, jamie. president saying there are things the president can do to boost the economy, create jobs and help the middle class. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell saying today approving the keystone pipeline would be one important step. republicans say it's time for the president to make a final decision on that long delayed project. mcconnell says the president could also move faster on trade agreements. >> the president has sort of hung out on the left and tried to get what he wants through the bureaucracy as opposed to moving to the political center. we're anxious to help him create jobs. but we are not going to go over and endorse more spending more debt, more
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taxes and more regulation. >> in his state of the union address tuesday, the president is expected to address the growing economic inequality in the u.s. he will suggest ways to help the poor and the middle class. he will work with congress where possible and also ready to react on his own. >> we can start by extending unemployment benefits for 1.66 million americans. pass a farm bill. pass immigration reform. infrastructure, a ray of things we can do together, no one is going to get everything they want. also the president can save the country. who he not going to wait. he has a pen and a phone to move things forward. >> that state of the union address set for 9 p.m. eastern time on tuesday night. of course, can you see it here on fox. jamie? >> we will all be watching. steve, thank you so much. >> you bet. >> eric? >> jamie, more of what we can expect to hear from the president during the state of the union address and possible reaction. let's now turn to louisiana senator david vitter. sea republican. member of the armed services committee who joins us today from new orleans.
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senator, good to see you. >> great to see you, eric. great to be with you. >> the president will lay out plans for what they call upward mobility in 48 hours from now. what do you want to hear from him. >> well, what i want to hear is things we can work on together to really move the ball forward and mitch mcconnell mentioned many of those, things waiting to get done like the keystone permit. there is is wide bipartisan consensus on issues like that. nevertheless, the president is stuck in the mud on it. unfortunately, what we're going to hear is something different. first of all, talking about executive action, doubling down on that. even though, in my opinion, he has gone beyond his authority in many areas already. and secondly it's a strategy to change the subject from obamacare i think his main political goal and i think this is a 99% political speech is to change the subject. >> you talk about obamacare,
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take a look for a second investor business daily their editorial is pretty scathing about the state of the union. it says president obama is unlikely to say in his lengthy address is income equality is measured by the gini index and increased faster under his watch than it did under any of the previous presidents. highest level since 1947 and president obama is almost certain to avoid meaning the policies he is he pushing now if little or no impact. >> eric, that's not by accident. actually, his policies have had impact. it's made it worse because we have had a very mediocre economy in terms of job creation. meanwhile, he has pushed and supported the fed printing a lot more money, that's given a buzz, a sugar buzz if you will to the stock market so wealthier folks who are invested in the stock market more than others are doing great. so that has actually exacerbated income inequality.
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he has made it worse. >> he is going to talk about increasing the minimum wage. will that do it. >> won't do it for a few friends. because you can't just legislate prosperity. we need to do things to get people better job opportunities. and i don't think that alone, without being coupled with other pro-jobs measures is going to pass the republican house. >> what we need to do to get better job-making capabilities as you you say. do you think you will hear that from the president on tuesday night? look, unemployment, long-term unemployment. 39% of those long term still can't get jobs after six months. >> right. i think is he going to focus on income inequality. that's their way to change the subject. i don't think he is going to focus on what i would consider positive job creation growing the economy. particularly since he is responsible for most of the overregulation. over taxation, growth of government spending and debt that's at the heart of the problem. >> what is he going to say
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about that when you talk about over regulation? there are hundreds -- 40,000 new laws that have been passed by state and local governments this year? >> right. unfortunately, i think what you are going to hear is we need to do more of that i think he is going to talk about more action, more administrative regulation, particularly in the area of the environment. >> finally, what can can congress do and what can the senate do? democratically controlled in order to try to address the issues that you talk about today? >> well, two things. first of all, i work with conservatives all the time to put forward positive initiatives that will grow the economy. secondly, i work on another set of concerns in a bipartisan way, things that i think we can move forward like a water resources bill that we are going to do. like a highway bill maybe later this year. hopefully we can pass a responsible farm bill. things like that. >> finally is he going to step in front of the congress and democrats will
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apply. republicans like sit on hands sometimes. this comes as we hear in the "the washington post" is a three page memo from the white house saying going to side step congress and take executive action. how is that going down? again as i said in the beginning. governor down on governance why administrative fiat. even after he has gone overboard and gone beyond the legal line in many many cases in my and other constitutional conservatives opinions. >> what does that mean? that means we have a real constitutional problem. this president, more than anyone before him, has gone beyond his authority. you know, there is always a disagreement about a president's authority between the president and congress, but this goes way beyond that traditional disagreement. i think he is clearly overstepped that line in many many cases. >> well, finally, he is he a constitutional lawyer, i mean harvard, like you.
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he will say that he has the power and the ability to do that. >> well, look, i think in many cases, he clear doesn't. it's difficult to bring this -- these things to court. it's very time consuming and expensive. but we collectively are in many cases slapped down good example is the unconstitutional so camed recess appointments. conservatives, again who said he acted unconstitutionally have won so far on that. it's going to the supreme court and i think we are going to win there. >> all right, senator. david vitter, republican of louisiana who will be in the house chamber on tuesday, listening. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you, eric. >> on fox news channel as always. >> just when you thought the frigid conditions outside, the ones from last week are a blast. art particular air set to hit parts of the country tomorrow. it's a new storm system and already dropping some snow over the midwest and great
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lakes. dangerous, bitter cold spreading from the northern plains and to the south and to the east. chief meteorologist rick reichmuth live in the fox extreme weather center. extreme it. >> i know how much you love this frigid air. >> more to deal with. not so much a snow storm. alberta clippers we call them because they come out of alberto, canada. , it drops the temperatures down a little bit. snow dumped chicago in towards indianapolis though heading in towards parts of western p.a. parts of west virginia and upstate new york. this is a dusting of snow. maybe an inch or two in a few spots. so many clippers it adds up. parts of michigan, wisconsin. generally anywhere from the north of the storm track have seen enough snow that it's added up to a foot or so and very windy. a lot of that snow is blowing across parts of the dakotas and minnesota.
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blizzard warnings in effect today for that blowing snow that's already on the ground. we're going to watch that. this cold will get there we will tell you eventually this cold will get down to the southeast and watch the south again for potential. you see that white, jamie across new orleans, southern georgia and the coastal areas of the carolinas tuesday night. potentially dealing with the snow. that doesn't happen very often. >> i don't mind the cold, rick, you you know, as long as everyone stays safe. >> very true. >> california girl at heart. >> always i know. >> take care. >> you bet. >> well, thousands of american athletes and spectators get ready to travel to russia for next month's preliminary picks, a -- olympics, -- russian president vladimir putin is developing a security ring of steel keep everyone safe and elay fears over concerns of black widow suicide
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bombers. peter doocy live in washington with the very latest on olympic security. hi, peter. >> hi, eric. a big speed bump for american officials trying to keep athletes safe is that russian officials just are not sharing they have gathered about threats to the olympic games. >> the russians don't want to share what they have because they are afraid that will enable us to learn how they obtain their intelligence that we will use against them in the future. as far as using technology, i don't want to get into what other policy is but can i understand why people in our government would be reluctant to share a very so sophisticated piece of technology which could be used against us in the future. >> so, not only are the russians not sharing, they are not accepting american offers to lend over devices that can jam ied signals. something we heard from the chairman house homeland security committee mike mechanical who also said on
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cbs. he says within that so-called ring will be safe. outside that perimeter, soft targets are exposed and much more likely to get hit however, if you ask russian officials they say there is really no reason to be alarmed i'm absolutely certain doing everything needed to as safe as any other olympics that can be held currently in the world. >> something else added if american athletes with a be to be held out of the competition in russia for safety reasons then the terrorists would win. eric? all right, period, security a big concern. thank you very much. >> i asked our viewers what it is you are talking about today and what your concerns are you said security at the olympics. coming up, we are talk to retired u.s. navy captain chuck nash on what resources are on their way to keep
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americans safe. that's coming up in this hour. peace talks continue on' ways to end that blood shed. are the two sides making any progress? the syrian opposition will tell us. >> and, first, the water was tainted in west virginia and now comes the legal action. that after that chemical spill there. but can anyone actually be held to account? our fox news legal panel will weigh in about that after the break. >> we have seen the effects of what has happened. at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons
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people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on of the dusty basement at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt it is the story of where every great idea begins. and of those o believed they had the power to do more. dell is honored to be part of some of the world'great stories. that began much the same w ours did. in a little dorm room -- 2713. ♪ this magic moment ♪ ♪ this magic moment when jake and i first set out on we ate anything. but in time you realize the bett you eat, the better you feel. these days we both eat smarter. and i give jake purina cat chow naturals. made with real chicken and salmon, anit's high in protein like aow cat's natural diet. and no added artificial flavors. we've come a long way.
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well, ask any lawyer, and he they will tell you it's not unexpected that the lawsuits are piling up now in west virginia. after freedom industries spilled chemicals, allegedly, into the water supply, for the second time, the company has filed for bankruptcy. interesting. and then adding insult to injury, the state says there are now scammers that are trying to take advantage of the situation. they are trying to sell the victims of this chemical spill phony insurance, not if we can help it jonna spilbore is here, defense attorney and former prosecutor and doug burns, a
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defense attorney and former federal prosecutor welcome to both of you. >> thank you. >> he would not going to let these people get scammed. >> no we are not. >> before i get to that, first of all, you have this chemical spill and you have a company that files bankruptcy. >> um-huh. >> you can take action against a company that's filed bankruptcy? it's a chapter 11. >> right. which is a reorganization. so, essentially what happens if a company declares bankruptcy is is that every lawsuit against that company, every creditor is a -- they can no longer go and put their hand down and say give me the money you owe me. for a time chapter 11 reorganization, there might be some people in that long line of creditors that will get their money. that won't happen for several months, obviously, not like a chapter 7 where creditors are cut off and chances of getting any money ever are pretty much no. >> you file your action anyway but you have to wait. >> file your action but then you can't do it. if you go after a company or anybody who is in bankruptcy, you're in trouble. so you literally have to
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stand back and wait. >> the government comes first if they have claims for clean up, let's say to reimburse? >> usually, loan money come first. people who suffered any damage from the spill are going to be at the back of the line. >> okay. what about the state and the fact that if there is any liability doug for them for allowing this to happen, or furthering the damage by not cleaning it up quick enough, can you sue municipality? >> can you. but the first proposition is sovereign immunity. meaning that they enjoy some type of immunity from a lawsuit. but there are exceptions like we lawyers like to say to every rule. intentional malfeasance, for example. if you could show that. think it's going to be hard. to be honest with you with the caveat that i don't know all of the facts, obviously, i think this was an accident. i think a lawsuit against the state may be a difficult proposition. >> so, as it is always the case, in these situations, we have to be aware of come
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along take advantage of the victims. sadly in west virginia, there are. there are people trying to sell insurance to cover for flood and things like that. years ago, in florida, when you tried to buy flood insurance, after all the hurricanes, the companies couldn't even afford to write it anymore. that is a different situation. how serious is this scam? >> first of all, what is wrong with people? when a tragedy happens, this happens all too often. elderly, tragedies from spills and weather related conditions. i think what you have to do as a consumer is believe none of it. if you want to protect yourself, go to your insurance carrier, who have you been paying for years and years and years and say can you offer me additional coverage? don't rely on the person who knocks on your door and tries to sell you insurance on one hand and candy bars and magazine subscriptions with the other. that's just a red flag. >> especially if they're giving you the candy. >> i know. don't they have to be licensed? should the first question you ask to someone that's trying to sell you anything, especially something like insurance, are you licensed? >> i know, but the sad
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reality and a friend of mine who is a lawyer i was talking to came in, doug, how in the world could you rip these people off? , john, the point is, you are going after very unsophisticated people who not going to ask that type of question. it's hard to imagine. the thing is, jonna made a great point, one of the reasons you can con people in tragedies they are more vulnerable. it's sad to say but a criminal law reality. going to somebody's house to sweep their chimney, you could have a fire, you better get this extra coverage. you are taking advantage of a vulnerability. that's why she you see scams in tragedies. >> in this day and age the scammers can look legit. they can have web sites that look fabulous and that i they are credible but not. >> if you live on the coast and had a business, if it's accidents are you off the hook if it's proven it's not
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malfeasance. >> sue for negligence. they owed you auto duty of care and they preached it. >> until they go bankrupt. >> in this bankruptcy concept double back to where we started you probably would. >> double back saying you talked to a friend of yours who is a lawyer. you have friends who are lawyers. you needs to make better friends. >> some of our best friends are lawyers. >> of course, we are all lawyers. >> i will name both of them. >> good for you. all right, guys. thanks so much for joining us. we wish the folks there certainly the best of everything, and we are trying to protect you here at the fox news channel. eric? >> all right, there has been a major push back from some gun manufacturers in california. why they are banning together and refusing to sell any more firearms. plus, president obama just 48 hours from now will be delivering the state of the union address. what are the issues that most americans want to hear about? we have new details on that and what we can expect. >> president obama can join us to grow the nation's
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economy and the nation's jobs, or he can continue pushing for more regulations, more taxes, higher utility bills, and healthcare turmoil. bad policies, that hurt poor americans the most. ♪ [ chicken caws ] [ male announcer ] when your favorite food starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. eartburn relief that neutralizes acid on contact and goes to work in seconds. ♪ tum, tum tum tum tums!
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♪ well, the syrian government and the opposition at the peace talks in geneva are expected to make a statement on what they say is a, quote: way forward. will it be enough? talk tomorrow about a transitional government taking power away from president bashar al assad which he refuses. so when will the her risk slaughter stop? it has been a crime against humanity on unmanageable scale. one protester in geneva sport ago sign pleading enough is enough. this is the biggest massacre in this century. this is a shame on humidity that the world doesn't
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react. why hasn't the world reacted with real reaction while people die. the syrian support group opposition group leading to get rid of assad. dan, welcome. the breaking news right now is that the u.n. mediator says he expects a statement soon about letting women and children leave the perceived city of holmes. it's a first step. seen any good news about the week. opposition two sides that hate each other very very much. very apparent over the first week can come to an agreement about humanitarian access and specifically allowing women and children to leave the besieged city of homs shelling. i think this is a good sign that we can start to work toward political transition. >> how can there be transition if assad is digging in? he is talking about running again. >> that is bad news. the regime is winning the
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war right now. they have taken significant ground back in the north. they are currently fighting a very large offensive in taking ground back into the south. the session is not going to give up a fight. i think his advisors know that we are looking at a very drawn out war but eventually it will end with the departure of assad. >> this is such a horrible catastrophe. the world said never again after the holocaust. and we have had darfur. killing fields in cambodia and now. this 2 million people displaced. 130,000 killed. whole cities of continues. what could the u.s. have done? what what could the rest of the world have done to try to stop it? it's been going on for three years? >> it's not too late yet. people said it was too late after the chemical attacks. after the nonstrike that followed that where the u.s. u.s. ended up not sending
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air strikes do you think the u.s. should have i do think the u.s. should have. u.s. had a large role in creating and supporting that essentially we allowed it to fail. there are moderate command structures that have formed in the range of 25 to 30,000 fighters that have taken over. that are interesting in sitting down. we will start receiving u.s. supreme court in the future. >> because the u.s. didn't take action, just a short time ago, the -- that impowered the islamists? >> that is correct. i don't know if you saw the editorial that the saudi ambassador to the united kingdom wrote saying that the u.s. has basically let syria slide. this is an issue that's happening in our own backyard and involves actors outside of syria. it involves iran and lebanese hezbollah, things that directly counter our interest. we are going to go all in on
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this. saudis are backing some groups that are not friendly to our u.s. interests. >> how do we make sure the islamists don't take over and what do you think that the united states should do? should continue providing aid to new moderate opposition groups that have developed. it's very important that we go about this very systematically stand training new groups. start training them command and control capabilities. c 2. we start giving them nonlethal supplies to see how they can disseminate those to their fighters. we follow that up by lethal aid. we counter weight the supplies the islamists are receiving from the gulf countries. counter the influence. eventually we start countering regime forces in those areas as well. >> if we don't do any of that what happens? assad still stays in his palace and the killing continues? >> i think so, yes. >> what type of commentary is that on the world today? >> you tell me, very poor.
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>> dan layman of the syrian support group. watching these talks, meanwhile tomorrow, they are supposed to talk about a potential transitional government. of course, assad digging in, refusing to even basically discuss that sedan, we will get back to you and continue on this very vital and important story. thank you for joining us today. >> thanks. >> jamie? >> interesting discussion, guys. and president obama should be pretty interesting when he delivers his state of the union. that will happen on tuesday night. we are already learning the issues that most americans want the president to focus on in his speech. take a look at this brand new fox news poll. the majority of folks want to hear about washington wants plan for the economy and jobs. that's at the top of the list. healthcare and the federal deficit. other big issues for americans social security and terrorism prevention. rounding out the top five. will the president listen? will this be the topics of choice? david mercer is a former deputy finance director for the democratic national committee and angela mcglowan is a fox news
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political analyst. welcome to both of you. >> thanks, jamie. >> pleasure to be here. >> you first, angela. >> yes. >> because i want to hear what republicans want to hear the president talk about. do you match the list basically in that order? >> well, you match the list of dealing with the economy and jobs. but, also, the president is going to talk about income inequality. and from a g.o.p. standpoint, some of the policies that the president has created has actually created the income inequality. so i think the white house and congress are on the same page, jamie. they want to create a more prosperous america. they don't want more people on the government dol. speech does not make success. the president has to work with congress to make those policies. >> it's interesting you bring that up. one of the things predicted is that the president will talk about his ability to push forward initiatives without congressional involvement and approval. how do you feel about that as a democrat?
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>> >> well, i think that as a democrat and as an american, that we need to not make it so that one is to the exclusion of the other. the president is not going to go solo and unilaterally but do what he can as the executor and executive and hope that congress will come along as they did with the recent budget that was just passed for two years. and getting cooperation and we hope that the environment that creates will add to further initiatives, whether it be raising the minimum wage, providing for unemployment insurance. all which like the economy being top on everybody's priority list is supported by a majority of americans. that's what the president will speak to in strengthening the middle class and allowing for upward mobility and those initiatives helping to do. so that's what he will address. >> let me jump back to you, angela. you talked about how some of the president's policies
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have actually increased the income inequality. >> yes. >> which one specifically? >> well, healthcare, number one. and do you remember the stimulus package for jobs? but our shovel ready program is not quite shovel ready yet? his policies, jamie, has actually grown government. and the only proven way to increase prosperity and reduce poverty is less government. less taxation. and letting the free markets flourish. there is a place for government, jamie. and that's protecting the consumer. but obama's policies have actually impede upon the success of america. and now you have more americans depending on the government dole. >> now we know david from this fox news poll that americans are still very very concerned about employment and the to earn a living not necessarily take a living from the government what should the president do and why not work with congress if you maintain
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feet power straight to executive order or action? ideas that perhaps congress can can perhaps grow and work on with his cooperation jamie, to reiterate i will say that the president has sought all efforts in, woulding with congress and is not abandoning that effort. at the same time, given the challenges that the unemployed may be facing, and others in the middle class, it is for everybody to do all they can can. it is not like boehner said to rely on being judged by what you don't pass or being judged by what you don't pass rather being judged by what you do pass. president is taking initiatives to the extent that in his term in office 8 million jobs have been created over 30-plus months is. >> is that enough? first of all are you sure of that number. >> i am positive of that
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number. encourage anybody to look it up. that's in the private sector now as angela would like to say in the public sector. >> let me ask you this question. you mentioned the middle class, you think the middle class is shrinking? >> the middle class is shrinking. >> david, let me ask you, as a democrat, do you have any concern about the middle class shrinking? because the president talks a lot about the higher wealth americans when in fact that is a very very small percentage of this country. what about the middle class? has he inspired and helped that grow he? >> well, put it this way. with the 8 million jobs that i mentioned that prevented from further erosion of the middle class and more falling into the poverty. and not passing an unemployment insurance extension as republicans in the senate and the house refer to do or, refused to do. then you have the risk that more people fall in to poverty. and you lose 200 jobs that
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would be created by them having that extension and spending money in the economy and creating in and in the economy. >> i have got it go. angela, last word, where are we in terms of job creation? we know we need a number over 200,000 a month just to maintain. >> we're not anywhere with job creation. the 8 million jobs that david is speaking of are those part-time jobs and, jamie, people are living from paycheck to paycheck. and some people are having to work 2 and 3 jobs to make it it's because of the president's policies or lack thereof the reason why the income inequality gap is growing and the middle class is shrinking. >> got to leave it there. >> nothing from the republicans. >> thanks to both of you. we will have the president. we have a g.o.p. response. it will be very interesting night here on fox tuesday. thank you both. >> thanks, jamie. >> jamie, a new law in california is going to have an unintended effect on gun manufacturers. we will have the details on that coming up. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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firearm manufacturers in california say they will stop selling handguns in that state. whether than manufacture weapons to comply with the state's new micro stamping hi will. >> hi, eric, to say this is a divisive issue is putting it lightly. what this all boils down to is a new law that requires it that guns be microstamped. what that means
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theoretically is that health investigators actually take a bullet and then trace it to a registered gun owner by imprinting the make, the model, and the serial number on to shell casings. but critics and gun companies have been quick to come out and say this is a flawed technology smith and wefn and stemmer ruger says they will not comply with the law and not selling any redesigned guns in california. those are the guns that are required to have the micro stamping technology. in a statement smith and wesson says a number of studies have indicated that microstamping is unreliable. serves no safety purpose. it's cost prohibitive and most importantly it's not proven to aid in preventing or solving crimes. at the same time, several groups are challenging this law in court. the whole thing is being pushed by effort. pushed by people in the
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anti-gum community so people can't buy guns. >> flip side several gun control advocates are celebrating this law. statement from the law center to prevent gun violence they say the california legislature decided to listen to law enforcement and require this common sense improvement to handguns to help bring criminals to justice. and in a way california's really under the microscope here because several other states are looking at implementing laws that would require the microstamping technology but they may wait and see how the dust settles here in california, eric. >> i'm sure they will be looking at that thanks so much. jamie? >> eric, thousands of americans are heading to sochi for the winter limb picks. what is the u.s. doing. >> we are in very close contact with the olympic committee. it's not unusual for us to recommend athletes or people around the world be careful where they wear certain things and be careful of
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behalf path a fox news alert now. a texas hospital says it will follow a judge's order and remove life support from the pregnant brain dead woman marla moon moon nez.
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the president had given until tomorrow to comply. the husband has been fighting the state on this for weeks. she had fallen unconscious from a blood clot. this has been emotional case. the hospital saying it will comply with that judge's order to remove life support. we will have the very latest on this case as we get it. >> >> there are thousands of american athletes and fans and family members heading over to the winter games in sochi. and there are growing concerns about security following a string of deadly terror attacks in that region. secretary of defense chuck hagel trying to reassure people that america is doing everything it can to protect its citizens. >> left the u.s. in. do you have any understanding with them with russia, with the united states. >> we have had conversations
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with the russian government on protection of our citizens. if we need to extract our citizens we have appropriate arrangements with the russians to do that an action of retraction. retired u.s. navy captain and retired u.s. military analyst. captain, thank you so much for joining us today. >> pleasure, jamie. >> when i hear that i think to myself navy to the rescue. what do you know? >> yeah, pretty much. sochi is a coastal town. it's hugged up between the mountains and the black sea. the u.s. navy has already announced that there will be two ships positioned there as ready decks should that be required. but secretary hagel, his language is it portends things that are going to happen in the future. we will have appropriate arrangements with the russians. that tends to tell me we
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don't have one now. the clock is ticking. if it hasn't happened by now it, probably won't. these will be truly contingency forces that would operate in extremists. assuming that the russians would even allow the u.s. navy into russian tear torl waters or u.s. aircraft into russian airspace. >> as a you analyze our relationship with the russians, do you see any incentive or reason why they wouldn't cooperate? could they be in denial that anything will happen and feel it's unnecessary and say sorry, u.s., back off? >> i think that's actually the case, jamie. i think -- >> -- wow, really? >> yeah. >> i think they are looking at this as being look, this
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is horrendously complicated issue. they have been planning this for a very long time. the last thing they need now are more cooks in the kitchen be. so, i think what they want to do is, they see keeping the french, the united states, the rest of the country who have athletes there. they see minimizing external requirements as something that simplifies an already too complex situation. >> what kind of intelligence resources do you think we already have in the region, especially given the fact that we know that these black widow suicide bombers, females as well as any other terrorists that might be in the region are already setting up shop? >> i think we have some reasonable intelligence, but if we do, it's a national assets, meaning overhead systems, not people on the ground. u.s. special forces have actually operated in the
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chech chechnya for a long time. they have sealed. sochi area. they have tremendous intelligence focused on the whole caucus region. there is nothing that we could do that would replace what they already have in place. >> i only have 20 seconds left i have a hard break before i i go, i ask major general scales this familyn. to go to sochi for the olympics? what about you, sir? >>. no and i have already said in a previous interview that i would pass on this year's. what the olympic committee was thinking when they picked sochi is beyond me. >> all right. captain chuck nash. always insightful. we learn a lot and i really appreciate it. >> my pleasure, jamie. >> we will see you soon. and we'll be right back. try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on.
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it does it for us on this sunday. i'm eric shawn. follow me on twitter there it is eric shawn on fox. i am already following you on twitter. are you following me on jamie colby tv?
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thanks so much for joining us. have a great sunday. we are going to seen to you washington right now where the news continues. have a wonderful day. >> take care. president obama is promising an optimistic message in his state of the union address tuesday night. but while top aids say the president wants to work with lawmakers, they are also warning he is prepared to do an end run around them. will the president say anything the american people want to hear? we will ask our political panel. and we're less than two weeks away from the opening of the olympic winter games in sochi as westerns about possible terror attacks grow. one congressman says ring of steel not sharing important intelligence information. we have a new report on that. gun law in california comes under fire and drives two manufacturers out of the state all together. misses its target while could gi p


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